proDAD's first Artificial Intelligence Application (AiA) for Corel Video Studio Plugins
Mercalli V6 Plug-Ins Corel Video Studio
News editors, documentary producers, hobby videographers or Youtubers know it:
That one moment that is so unique and important - and needs to be captured right NOW.
Just shoot it now - and don't spend a lot of time worrying about settings or stabilizer hardware...
That's exactly what Mercalli enables you to do, because you can easily and quickly get the most out of that unique moment - now even supported by artificial intelligence! Wherever you are on the way, capture your best moments with the camera without having to think about whether the shot might be shaky or the lighting conditions don't fit. With Mercalli V6 Plug-Ins, you can always perfect your shots later with ease and just one click!
More... LessMercalli V6 Plug-Ins is a revolution in terms of the performance and quality of CMOS and rolling shutter correction, and is additionally optimized where every other stabilizer has to give up. The once again increased quality with significantly faster rendering and new hardware acceleration, as well as the newly added optimization of the image quality, all this, makes your spontaneous shots real highlights!
Mercalli V6 Plug-Ins delivers perfect results and now even optimizes light and color. The completely new look and the very modern user interface makes working with Mercalli V6 Plug-Ins a very simple and intuitive experience.
Mercalli V6 Plug-Ins gives you exactly the kind of stabilization you want for your shots. For example, ultra-wide-angle shots can also be stabilized and the special fisheye look can be optionally preserved. In addition, individually created camera profiles can be imported from proDAD Defishr (optional) - for the best correction of your own camera or lenses.
Our new "Artifial Intelligence Application" (AiA for short) automatically adjusts all parameters for optimal stabilization and CMOS correction, making it easy for you to produce amazing results where even the previous Mercalli version reached its limits.
Don't just rely on your camera's internal stabilization, let Mercalli V6 easily bring out the best in each of your videos. Stabilized and optimized in color and contrast, all this with just a few clicks and rendered super fast!
See for yourself now and try the free demo version of the new and best Mercalli Plug-Ins for Corel Video Studio! Get started right away!

Actioncam: Heavy movements smoothed with proDAD Mercalli V6

Aerial view: shaking camera stabilized with proDAD Mercalli V6

Handheld camera smoothed to zoom with proDAD Mercalli V6

Shaky telephoto stabilized with proDAD Mercalli V6 (plus Vintage filter)

Handheld camera stabilized with proDAD Mercalli V6
- Extremely fast stabilization
- Super-fast CMOS analysis and rolling shutter correction
- Optimization of contrast, colors, and saturation
- Newly designed user interface
- Easy usability
- Artificial intelligence for user support (“AiA”)
- high-efficient hardware acceleration
- significantly less analysis runs compared to previous version
- large selection of presets for many actioncams and video cameras
- Stabilize ultra-wide-angle shots
- get fisheye look at the same time, if needed
professional interface from Mercalli V6 to proDAD DeFishr
management of lens profiles
detailed setting options
New application protocol with Undo/Redo
NVIDIA hardware encoder support for H264 or HEVC for H265

Further information
- proDAD Mercalli RT for Corel Video Studio
- proDAD Picture Enhanzr for Corel Video Studio
- proDAD Mercalli Stabilizr und CMOS-Fixr PRO for Corel Video Studio
- Package content
- System requirements
- Supported cameras
NEW: Real time stabilization for all your video material
- Real time live performance
- No analysis needed prior to stabilizing
- New stabilization profile “Fixed Cam” added to remove all movements achieving an ultra-stable look (especially suited for interviews, stage recordings and documentary shooting with long telephoto lenses)
- “Content aware fill”: empty borders resulting during the stabilization process may optionally be filled by matching content of nearby picture frames
- Correcting simple rolling shutter effects
- Stabilization profiles for common applications like:
- “Glide Cam”: The virtual camera follows smoothly the movement of the real camera and removes sudden and shaky movements.
- “Sports Cam”: The virtual camera generally follows the fast movement of the real camera and smoothens sudden and shaky movements.
- “Science Cam”: Comparable stabilization to “Steadycam” but without limitation and edge fill. (Well suited to evaluate parameters and optimize settings.)
- “Fixed Cam”: The virtual camera is set to a fixed point without following the real camera.
- “Steadycam”: (floating camera) The virtual camera follows the movements of the real camera more subtle so that sudden movements are being avoided.
- Extensive detail options to control stabilization
- “Diagnostics”: technical information is being displayed
- Overlay display visualizing the stabilization to optimize settings
- Overlay display to evaluate processing time vs. real time performance
- Score display to evaluate real time capacity vs. degree of stabilization
- Supports up to 256 cores for faster processing or computing higher resolution or framerates in real time
NEU: Real time video optimizing for all purposes
- Real time life performance
- No prior analysis needed
- Suports up to 256 cores for faster processing or computing higher resolution or framerates in real time
- Automatic optimization of contrast and brightness according to picture content. Balancing uneven levels of contrast and brightness within a video sequence. Optionally the image may be divided into separate areas. This allows to treat (for example) the sky differently to the ground.
- Brightness, dynamics and color saturation can additionally be finetuned manually.
- “Safe Colors” forces values to stay within the YUV limits. This optional setting may be important working within a studio/broadcast environment, because values out of this range cannot be displayed correctly.
- Works internally within native color space RGB; YUV-444; 8bit / 10bit
proDAD Mercalli Stabilizr PRO for Corel Video Studio and proDAD Mercalli CMOS-Fixr PRO for Corel Video Studio
Both plugins share the proven and further optimized and accelerated comprehensive video analysis as basis of the very robust and versatile image stabilization. This intensive processing – only needed for complex cases – guarantees stable footage even under exceptionally demanding circumstances.
Compared to the real time plugins these are the differences in handling and use case:
- Performance: supports high end hardware architecture (up to 256 cores) enabling a fast analysis as well as a fast frame rendering
- The all automatic stabilizer can very comfortably be applied to multiple clips.
- Interactive overlay charts for an easy detection of critical zones in a video sequence to manually optimize the degree and quality of stabilization.
- Highly increased sharpness in stabilized video because of less need to zoom in due to new algorithms especially with interlaced video
- Less degree of zoom-in results in a higher resolution and preserves more wider angle
- Fading in and out stabilization allows an easy and fast stabilization of shorter areas of a video sequence with no need to splice the clip
- Spheric videos up to 170° can be stabilized maintaining the spheric view
- Stereoscopic 3D footage can now be stabilized
- Comprehensive set of camera profiles for numerous lenses
- Extremely robust against obstacles like:
- Other objects
- Extreme light conditions
- Image noise
- Plain areas (like for example a white sky or a water surface without any visible structure or contrast)
- Overlay display visualizing the stabilization process to further improve settings.
- Works internally within the native color space: RGB; YUV-444; 8bit/10bit
- Supports 4K and Cinemascope
- Enhanced rolling shutter correction
- GPU support a to further speed up processing (compatible graphics card needed)
proDAD Mercalli CMOS-Fixr PRO for Corel Video Studio
- Performance: supports high end hardware (up to 256 cores) enabling a fast analysis
- Comprehensive and intensive rolling shutter correction
- Even massive CMOS effects like skew, wobble or jello are being corrected
- Works internally within the native color space: RGB; YUV-444; 8bit
Mercalli V6 Plug-Ins for Corel Video Studio: Das ultimative Paket zur Bildberuhigung und Bildoptimierung für .
Im Paket sind folgende Produkte/Plugins enthalten:
+Mercalli Stabilizr PRO for Corel Video Studio
+Mercalli CMOS-Fixr PRO for Corel Video Studio
+Mercalli RT for Corel Video Studio
+Mercalli Picture Enhanzr RT for Corel Video Studio
Windows 64/32 bit: Vista, Win7, Win8, Win8.1, Win10, Win11
graphics card with 512MB u. Shader 3.0
Recommended for real-time application: i7 CPU with 3 GHz and 8 cores, 12GB main memory
For Stabilizr: Good graphics card with 512MB, Shader 3.0 with fast bus
For CmosFixr: Very good graphics card with 1GB, Shader 3.0 with super-fast bus
Some camera profiles included. We recommend the optional Defishr to calibrate each of your cameras for Mercalli. Applicable to any action cam, DSLR, mirrorless camera, broadcast camera, camcorder, etc.