Video-Stabilisierung für Profis

Mercalli Plugins für OFX-Schnittstellen

Mercalli Plugins für Schnittprogramme mit OFX-Plugin-Schnittstelle, wie z. B. Magix VEGAS oder Blackmagic Design DaVinci Resolve

Mercalli Plugins für OFX-Schnittstellen
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Mercalli V6 SAL Windows

Bildstabilisierung und Bildoptimierung!
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Mercalli V6 SAL Windows
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Mercalli V6 Plug-Ins Adobe (Windows)

Bildstabilisierung und Bildoptimierung!

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Noch besser! Noch einfacher!
Mercalli V6 Plug-Ins Adobe (Windows)
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Mercalli V6 Plug-Ins MAGIX

Bildstabilisierung und Bildoptimierung!

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Noch besser! Noch einfacher!
Mercalli V6 Plug-Ins MAGIX
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Review: proDAD Mercalli SAL for Mac

Paul Schmutzler demos and discusses the first-ever Mac version of proDAD's popular and powerful Mercalli stabilization solution.

In this article we’ll look at proDAD’s Mercalli SAL for Mac, a new stabilization tool for the Mac. proDAD has made Mercalli for Windows for a number of years and they’re just now introducing the first Mac version. The big question is this: Why would you buy a standalone stabilization tool or plug-in when you've already got an NLE that probably has a stabilization plug-in built into it for free? That's the question I asked myself, so I decided to test it out after an invitation came from proDAD. My initial tests were pretty impressive. I'll walk you through those tests later in this review.


Read the whole review here.

by Paul Schmutzler
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